I was super duper excited to film Kat and Josh’s wedding for two reasons: 

1) Kat is my sister 😀

2) It was my first destination wedding

And boy was I itching to film this wedding! My whole family stayed in Mericopa for the week, and Josh’s family did as well. Thankfully we had a pool at the house we rented because it was a scorching 35 to 40 degrees on many of the days.

The weather on the day of the wedding was rather cool 23 degrees. We didn’t even break a sweat. Myself, Kat and the family drove to the ceremony spot, a beautiful desert field with plant life everywhere. Before it started, Kat caught a glimpse of Josh, “Oh my gosh he’s so handsome! Look at him!”. It was the sweetest thing!

The ceremony was later in the day at 5:30, just when the sun was lower, making for some awesome lighting. Afterward, everyone had taco’s at Josh’s parents place. They were AMAZING. If you’re ever in Maricopa, check out Tacos N More. You won’t be disappointed!